Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) .NET
2) Activex OLE
3) ADO Database
4) Algorithm Math
5) API
6) COM
7) Compiler Directives
8) Constants
9) Examples
10) Files
11) Forms
12) Forum
13) Functions
14) Games
15) Graphic
16) Hardware
17) Ide Indy
18) Keywords
19) LAN Web TCP
20) Multimedia
21) OOP
22) Printing
23) Procedures
24) String
25) Strings
26) System
27) Types
28) Variables
29) VCL
30) XML
1) 2 ses birden çalmak
2) Activate - deactivate the cd autoplay
3) Activate deactivate the CD AutoPlay
4) Adjust the volume of audio in devices
5) Adjust the volume of audio in devices
6) Avi dosyalarini fullscreen oynatma[ aviden baska da olabilir]
7) Beep- sound in delphi
8) Build an MP3 Player
9) Capture programı ister televizyondan ister windowstan hızlı capture için
10) Change mediaplayer volume
11) Change the sound cards volume
12) Change the Volume
13) Changing Left and Right channel volumes separately
14) Check if a soundcard is installed
15) Check if a soundcard is installed
16) Check if an audio cd is in the cd drive
17) Check if an audio-cd is in the cd drive
18) Check if CD ROM is open
19) Check if cd-rom is open
20) Check, if a CD Recorder is available (WinXP)
21) Compressed Volume
22) Control the wave volume
23) Control the Wave Volume
24) Convert a flash swf to exe
25) Converting WAV to MP3 and back
26) Create a multimedia timer
27) Delphi icerisinden fax nasil gonderebilirim
28) Detect if sound card is present
29) Detect when a tmediaplayer stops playing
30) Determinate the bitrate of a wav file
31) Determine if macromedia flash plugin is installed
32) Determine if Macromedia Flash plugin is installed
33) Determine the firstthe number of CD Rom Drive(s)
34) Determine the length of a wave file
35) Determine which track the current CD is on
36) Directx grafik çizimi
37) Directx kullanarak film-ses denetimi - 1
38) Directx kullanarak film-ses denetimi - 2
39) Disableenable speaker
40) Display the first frame of an avi file using tmediaplayer
41) Embed sound into your EXE and play it
42) Enable and disable CD autorun
43) Enable and disable system beep
44) Enabledisable CD autorun
45) Extract a frame from a avi file
46) Extract the audio stream from an avi file
47) Finding strings by how they sound using Metaphone Beta 1
48) Geriye doğru ses çalma
49) Get a list of CD ROM drives
50) Get a MP3s ID3 Tag
51) Get and Set volume (soundcard)
52) Get audio volume, set audio volume
53) Get Audio Volume, Set Audio Volume
54) Get names of all waveout devices
55) Get names of all WaveOut devices
56) Get notified CD inout
57) Get notified when a cd is removed or inserted
58) Get notified when a CD is removed or inserted
59) Get properties of a video file with tmediaplayer
60) Get sound volume
61) Get the length of wav file [in second]
62) Getting the length of a wav file
63) How can I get the serial number of an Audio CD
64) How can i show cds track, min and sec
65) How do I determine if two strings sound alike
66) activate deactivate the CD AutoPlay
67) adjust the volume of audio in devices
68) change the sound cards volume
69) check if a soundcard is installed
70) check if an audio cd is in the cd drive
71) check if CD ROM is open
72) check, if a CD Recorder is available
73) control the Wave Volume
74) detect an installed cd recorder
75) determine if Macromedia Flash plugin is installed
76) determine the firstthe number of CD Rom Drive(s)
77) determine which track the current CD is on
78) disable audio when your application is running
79) eject and close cd-drive
80) enable and disable CD autorun
81) extract swf from Flash Projector (EXE)
82) get a MP3s ID3 Tag
83) get names of all WaveOut devices
84) get notified when a CD is removed or inserted
85) know if an sound card is present
86) mute the master volume of your soundcard
87) open and close a certain CD drive
88) play a mp3 after the other, with 2 components
89) Play a Sound When the Mouse Enters a (Delphi) Component
90) play sound through a sound card
91) play sound through the PC Speaker
92) play system sounds
93) play two sounds simultaneously
94) remove the popup menu from Flashs ActiveX
95) show the Sounds Properties dialog box
96) Include a wav file in your exe
97) Is my CD a Audio CD
98) Is SoundCard installed
99) Making MessageDlg play the corresponding sound
100) Mediaplayer kullanmadan wav dosya çalınması
101) Mediaplayer’ın çalmayı iptal ettiğini tespit etmek
102) MessageDlg with Sound
103) Mp3 id3tag version 2
104) Ms speech örneği
105) Multimedia kullanimi[wav]
106) Mute the master volume of your soundcard
107) Mute the master volume of your soundcard
108) Muting and revoicing the audio from your application
109) Müzik cd si calinirken, track sayisinin okunmasi
110) Müzik cd si çalınırken, track sayısının okunması
111) Notilus - tid3v1
112) Notilus - tid3v2
113) Open and close a certain CD drive
114) Open and close the CD ROM drive
115) Openclose CD ROM
116) Play a midi file without using tmediaplayer
117) Play a mp3 after the other, with 2 components
118) Play a mp3 after the other, with 2 components
119) Play a sound file without using tmediaplayer
120) Play a sound file without using tmediaplayer[2]
121) Play a sound on mouse enter
122) Play a wave file backwards
123) Play sound through a sound card
124) Play sound through a sound card
125) Play sound through the PC Speaker
126) Play system sounds
127) Play two sounds simultaneously
128) Play two sounds simultaneously
129) Playing a custom sound
130) Playing sounds thru the built in PC speaker
131) Program a peak level meter
132) Programmatically Enable and Disable CD Auto Run Auto Play from Delphi
133) Programmatically Get and Set the MediaPlayer Sound Volume
134) Read the id3v1 information using bass dll
135) Recognize CD volume label
136) Record wave files [ wav]
137) Removing the popup menu in Macromedia Flash .OCX
138) Retrieve information from an avi file
139) Retrieve informations about a wave file
140) Saniye ve dakika cinsinden wav dosyasının süresini alma
141) Ses ayarını kısmak ve açmak
142) Ses ayarını kısmak ve açmak 1
143) Ses aygıtları listesi
144) Ses çalma ve video oynatma [non media player[mediaplayer componenti kullanmadan]]
145) Ses kaydetme
146) Ses kısma [mute]
147) Sesli film - sessiz film ve loop
148) Set sound volume
149) Set the volume for the microphone- mute it
150) Set the volume for the microphone- mute it [enhanced]
151) Set the volume in a tmediaplayer
152) Setting the sound volume of a TMediaPlayer
153) Show forms with animation effect
154) Show the remaining time of a mediaplayer session
155) Show the Sounds Properties dialog box
156) Sound card installed or not
157) Soundex Revisited Searching Strings by sound
158) Soundex Searching Strings by the way they sound
159) Testingsetting the CD autorun option under Win32
160) Use Soundex to find phonetically similar names
161) Use the joystick
162) Use the microsoft speech api
163) Using Enter Key Without Sound (Revised Code)
164) Volume control component
165) Wav dosyasının kanal sayısı,bitini ve örnekleme kalitesini bulma
166) Wav kayit
167) Wav muzik dosyasinin tmediaplayer kullanmadan calinmasi
168) Wave dosyasi nasil calinir, nasil exe icine gomulur
169) Wave volum kontrolü
170) Winamp ı kontrol etmek için
171) Windows işlev seslerini çalma
172) Windows ses kontrolü [component]